Saturday, September 29, 2007

Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{7:29 PM|
1. Piano Exam...
I took my piano pratical exam at BMC music cove sch....waited outside the exam room 4 20 minutes aft signing up.The previous 2 were grade 1 and 3 respectively.It was my turn, the examiner was a man abt in his thirties,curly hair stern look.I decide to play scales first.....i slip at B flat major both hands,my face was suddenly very hot andd red(pai seh)...Then the exam pieces went well,sight reading was terrible,aural first part singing bad last part answering question gd
finnaly over -_-"
2.siao guy in bus 14
When i entered the bus at doby guat to telok karau,i took the back seats. I realised that there was a man wif ear phones on talking to himself(a bit siao),don care...continue reading...then he stared to shout something which i don understand (a bit more siao) then he started banging his head against the window and the metal bar scary......i scared he would alight at the same stop...whew but he did'nt the madest man i ever mad(he kept souting f**k and i m going to die)
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{5:36 AM|
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I don noe why....i can pick up duel master so fast but can't remember maths formula annd science notes so well. I pick up duel master 1st week thursdae when i saw wei kiat kah liang giovanni and many other playing duel master.i watched and learn.then later that dae i ask shawn to give mi fortty cards and he agreed...(he has two cupboard of cards) mostly given away...that night i bought a booster plasma chaser and king day i had my first duel with kah liang i lost...then from there i exchange cards..duel ...then 2 daes ago our form teach mr koh warn us not bring any cards after a fight that happened over a checks would be i keep my cards in the locker..weee...
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{7:34 PM|
Monday, September 10, 2007
...start of term 4...start of exams....2dae we had a mini assembly mr razali told us that fr tmr onwards the hall would b out of bounds ...0 lev exams....then dnt sian...forget bring apron...sit outside class rm play....but we all act guai...then mr foo let us in....then design interlocking things......sianz...after sch stay bk 4 mrs tan lesson...sit down at physic lab and revise....
ps i will nt update everydae because i need to do work.....
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{5:11 AM|
Saturday, September 8, 2007
sch reopening tmr and i had my last of fun tis weekend...
woke up at 8am.....then went out for piano class at yishun...had bagel with omellete(nt nice)then when for piano lessson..1hr then when to mac alone bought double cheese burger did my news paper review....finished in 30 minutes....then realised i did not even touch my cheese burger...nvm...finish it in 3minutes...then when to telok karau to play touch rugby...then 4pm when hm...slept in the car because veri tired....then when to aunt house...did nothing there while mine parents talk and talk...then come hm sleep....
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{7:49 PM|
Friday, September 7, 2007
todae i finally finish all my hw,actually i wanted to finish hw by tuesdae but,sick rest until yesterdae then half recover....todae by 2pm i choing finsh all the hw....then when to toa payoh to play table tennis...played wif some weird guy but he gd sia(11-9,8-11,11-8,5-11,11-8,11-7)nice sia then when to mac wif him drink something,then go back practice somemore....4pm reach hm...slppeeeep until 6 lor then edit blog...i get new spec...don wad will yur think about it...
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{3:06 AM|
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Wah...2dae wake up like veri sick...then continue sleeping.....then breakfast....then sianz sleep again until 1.30pm....then my mother tell mi her friend coming with her son so bo bian lor wake up go buy medicence take shower then sleep until they come...2.30 they arrived....had luch...then talk and talk talk until 5pm then watch youtube (malaysia song...funny sia)5.30 they go ...then i put new post on the want to sleep(sleep can make u grow taller,they say)
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{2:40 AM|
Monday, September 3, 2007
Wa lau...todae actually wan wake up at 9am but slack until 10.30am....nvm not important,have early lunch first....went down had sweet and sour pork and egg rice.....then pratice piano...the same old exam pieces and scales no chance to practice 不能說的秘密。。。2pm went for tution at tutor house....did maths played table tennis...foolsball,basketball(his house bungulow,veri big)after that went to orchard to have dinner....mos burger under the expenses of my family member,then went to buy sandal for mine flat foot.....then went back home played badminton 4 1/2hr....finallly can come hm post new post .....wan to sleep liao.....cya
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{4:28 AM|
Sunday, September 2, 2007
September holidae had just started....let mi reaccount reccent events
1.teachers dae-
Mi and two other fwens perform canon in D during teachers dae,another fwen perform 不能說的秘密 sia la nice sia....he borrow mi his moving rubber to style my cannot remove liao...hhaah.i m learning the song 不能說的秘密。。。
2. Floorball match( i suck in that sport)
Though i suck in tis sport....a sec 2 guy fr floorball ask mi to join the team don noe y...first match osprey vs hawk lost 1-5(expected) second match falcon vs osprey( forget score liao but lose la)3rd match was osprey vs eagle(lose again)....
3. Back to Ghim Moh Primary sch-
yah back to gmps, so bad lor felicia nv wait for mi,ppang seh....but nvm the whole of class 6A basketball,go ghim moh market eat .but when they noe i prefect,some ppl don belive lol...thks wai tai for beliving.....nvm..then see subject teacher....1 ex teacher don remember my name so sad...but nvm...the whole class went to see our form teacher(she left gmps and went to queenstown primary to teach)at the coffee shop.them go back gmps again play basket ball until 5pm....then went to play ground to slack....
P.S i will try to update as much as i can
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{1:20 AM|