Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Quiz :
Tagged by: Annabelle :E
Rule 1 : People who have tagged must write their answers on their blog .
Replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Rule 2 : Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.
Those people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending other people.
1. What is your CCA ?} . NCC :D
2. Would you fall in love with a girl younger than you ?} of cos think can take care of her wad :B
3. What does friendship mean ? } Caring for each other.Help when in nid =D
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?} Share with my family and friends :D
5.Will you fall in love with your best friend ?} Wah lau guy sia u think wad gay? jkjk
6. Which is more blessed ? Loving someone or being loved ?} Loving someone :}
7. List out your favourite band} Hmm, maybe Fahrenheit :D
8. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do ?} Gib them my blessing...
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?}Yes. If someone ever gib my a b-day present
10. What makes you angry ?} Attitude, stuck-ups,naggy and proud people,act innocent
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ?} Hmm, I'll be working & married lols :D
12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?} Family and friends. And a certain girl.
13. What is the most important thing in your life ?} thigns i needd and wan
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor ?}lols....i shld b economical stable first before i can raise a family wad
15. What is your favourite colour ?} green
16. Would you give all in a relationship ?} somehow
17. IFyou fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick ?} i dun step 2 boats with 1 leg
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?} If it not to mi i dun care if it is related to mi it depends
19. What do you want to tell the person you like ?} WO AI NI. And I've always did :D
20. Which country you would like to go ?} China,Japan,Africa
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{6:43 AM|
Monday, November 17, 2008
2 unknown girls ask if they can have the drink in my hand then they say they jking only....then after i left one of them ran after mi and asked for my number.... then went to my cousin hse get physic chem bio a maths bks and notes.... then just stayed at his hse use his laptop play the piano see how his com lag see how he tried to revive th com....then lunged the heavy books hm...looked damm awkward sia cause xam just ended then carry so many books
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{5:44 AM|
Thursday, November 13, 2008 nite zhansoon msn mi ask mi if i wan go pds training..... i say anithing...then he sae gd...
first some norm pt...then some rifle pt.....kl keep on tio punish.....then revisie basic moves vertical slope vertical order diagonal slope and order...then the SSGT sae our cutting not gd....slow marker....dragon toss..thehn practice starting moves for cca orientation tzin hzin cannot kneel then he stand lyk model lyk tat.then learn chingay...tehn rain....then zhaojun sing song ....twinkle twinkle little star.....then we sync a bit of our movements for chingay...then learn pds bersurai.....then no nid swim.....
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{6:11 PM|
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
first went to science centre to look at a lot of millitary exibits can have hands on on some sar 21, AUV,ROV,anti air system,batttle ship defence system...etc all abt millitary defence....then went to watch movie wif yuzhen julie geraldine and her bf watch Quantum of Solace ok lar...teh james bond this time not so gd...tehn when bond say sit down......someone in the thearter shouted sit down...then someone laugh very loudly....i rite veri short cause no time n no mood to post cya
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{4:19 AM|
Monday, November 3, 2008
Day 1
xpecting some form of traansport on the first day to bring us to Labrador Camp.....then we found out we were walking lol.....some ppl tot the teachers were joking....Ther were 3 grps Porsche

and Lexus(PSL_) i was allocated in lexus far away fr kenneth. I think my grp got mandy tricia afiqah ahmala meliza tzhi tzhin and ken. walk talk walk talk reach camp put bags issue passport(note book onli) rules, (onli use english as a speaking used to it) play ice breaker games lunch then go changi adventurer centre learn how to build raft.....grp tooo small so lexus split in to 2 grps i went wif porsches then the instruxctor ahmad tot tot us the clove hitch and the fisherman knot then he allocated 30 minutes to finish buliding our raft....not enough time brief again do cheer to extend time and to ask for more ropes....tell jokes to get ropes 5 and 3 ropes wad he choose u get.....lo....then get pfd paddles one go on the raft onli can go 8 ppl launch raft water confidence..... then i lost balance when sitting on the raft fell in to the water....climbed back up....paddle anyhow then dun noe how go back ...then push bk....second grp wan to sit the whhole structure dismantled by itself second grp of ppl dun get to ride sad-ed....tehn ahmad let us play with water,,......spray here spray there pull kenneth down into the wash up some forget tuck in shirt (another rule)...then take bus back....wash up dinner.....hungry hungry cheer dinner get ready to learn camp fire songs ....psl teach us then ask us lead say they wad wash up then zzzzzz but i cannot slp 2am then doze off
Day 2
wake up.....breakfast.....get ready one bagpack 4 every grp.....dun noe go where 4 trekking then i found out thru teachers conversation that we are going Macrichite....tehn ms neo was wating 4 us there she led the trek till the ranger station then each grps got to lead thier own....Porsche
....Skoda.....Lexus then go treetop walk that time...cannot talk but we whisper.....cause got research going on....then came to juletong tower ate lunch up ther.....tehn i ask is the tower realli shaking or isiit my imagination....tehn come down the tower...then the teacher wan mi to act to sprain my leg...then ken piggyback mi 4 a while then Tzhn tzin hold my arm all the way....then meliza stomach pain more lyk gastric then tzhn tzin held his bladder for record? record onli bah....then ken say his knee pain......then met skoda jia ling sprain her ankle then qian ni piggy back her 4 dun noe how long.....then ahmala took over then qian ni took over....then qian ni cannot take it anymore...then jia ling came down n felt so cheated...then at the end point got one monkey open our platic bag took two apples ran to the brigde and ate the have caterpillar walk laast....then bus-ed bk to camp....we discuss abt the camp fire night and a senecrio then we abseil....i miss the safety briefing but first to go 4 problem solving games....then dinner...then camp fire....our grp win.....then they ask us bring a extra shirt to blindfold us.....they spray water....make us feel poles go under concrete ledges.....make us form the letter L with 8 cones...when cones can b snatched away by the psl.....then when we wet n eng interview us one by one y we wan to b psl..... kenneth damm sway.....he last to get interview.....then during supper ken scolded firdausfor not cleaning the mess tin properly...scold till i laugh lyk siao...then cannot slp again...then afiqah and jialing sat wif mi outside our dorm and talk 4 a while....then they go slp.....i stayed outside the dorm till 3am then slp//..//
kenneth shook mi up at 7.12am then i slack 4 a while wash up....breakfast.....clean up the camp fire tray all the dust fly fly de-brief....share a lot of experince....then bye bye...go hm and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Drove on the busy street in the city @ |{6:41 AM|